There are some spatial data related questions that I get commonly asked. These include how to extract raster data by different types of vectors and how to load a netCDF file into R. I have included two short tutorials below to show how these are done:
#### Libraries
# Load in worldclim data
worldclim <- rast('data/sdm/worldclim.tif')
# Subset the data to the first 6 variables just to make the example run faster
wc <- worldclim[[1:6]]
# check the variables
## [1] "bio1" "bio2" "bio3" "bio4" "bio5" "bio6"
# load in a country borders for Africa from online
# you could load in your own shapefile here
afr <- vect(ne_countries(continent = 'Africa', returnclass = 'sf'))
## [1] "scalerank" "featurecla" "labelrank" "sovereignt" "sov_a3"
## [6] "adm0_dif" "level" "type" "admin" "adm0_a3"
## [11] "geou_dif" "geounit" "gu_a3" "su_dif" "subunit"
## [16] "su_a3" "brk_diff" "name" "name_long" "brk_a3"
## [21] "brk_name" "brk_group" "abbrev" "postal" "formal_en"
## [26] "formal_fr" "note_adm0" "note_brk" "name_sort" "name_alt"
## [31] "mapcolor7" "mapcolor8" "mapcolor9" "mapcolor13" "pop_est"
## [36] "gdp_md_est" "pop_year" "lastcensus" "gdp_year" "economy"
## [41] "income_grp" "wikipedia" "fips_10" "iso_a2" "iso_a3"
## [46] "iso_n3" "un_a3" "wb_a2" "wb_a3" "woe_id"
## [51] "adm0_a3_is" "adm0_a3_us" "adm0_a3_un" "adm0_a3_wb" "continent"
## [56] "region_un" "subregion" "region_wb" "name_len" "long_len"
## [61] "abbrev_len" "tiny" "homepart"
# there are lots of variables, let's keep only the country name
afr <- afr[,'name']
# Check projections and reproject if needed
crs(afr) == crs(wc)
## [1] FALSE
afr_prj <- project(afr, wc)
crs(afr_prj) == crs(wc)
## [1] TRUE
# Crop & mask the worldclim layer to the Africa layer
wc_mask <- mask(crop(wc, afr_prj), afr_prj)
# Create a custom function to summarise the environmental raster data for each country
my_summary <- function(x) c(mean = mean(x, na.rm = T), min = min(x, na.rm=T), max = max(x, na.rm=T))
# Use terra::extract() to get multiple summary values
poly_ext <- terra::extract(wc_mask, afr_prj, fun = my_summary)
## ID bio1.mean bio1.min bio1.max bio2.mean bio2.min bio2.max bio3.mean bio3.min
## 1 1 216.2583 156 278 138.0433 57 181 64.26773 45
## 2 2 197.4545 145 252 112.8864 98 128 75.64286 67
## 3 3 271.9550 254 290 122.8809 60 135 66.16558 57
## 4 4 280.7006 259 296 134.7982 114 153 60.65496 56
## 5 5 208.3562 181 229 162.6505 136 187 55.61516 52
## 6 6 248.9161 219 273 134.7801 105 184 68.16462 60
## bio3.max bio4.mean bio4.min bio4.max bio5.mean bio5.min bio5.max bio6.mean
## 1 78 1854.9078 304 3473 310.3173 236 353 95.92559
## 2 83 522.9026 260 986 271.8604 208 323 123.16234
## 3 74 1680.9477 1072 2492 370.7444 316 402 184.51416
## 4 66 2212.0712 1415 3382 388.2218 357 413 167.03235
## 5 59 4293.2937 3157 5824 332.7458 295 358 42.63357
## 6 81 1107.1877 490 2413 346.8247 302 397 148.28986
## bio6.min bio6.max
## 1 39 203
## 2 72 186
## 3 157 230
## 4 137 198
## 5 6 78
## 6 98 187
# Bind the result back on to the polygons
afr_ext <- cbind(afr_prj, poly_ext)
# Convert the data to an sf object for plotting
afr_ext_sf <- afr_ext %>% st_as_sf()
# Plot
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = afr_ext_sf, aes(fill = bio1.mean/10)) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = c('white', 'red'),
name = 'Mean ann. temp.') +
# Create 1000 random points over Africa
rand_pts <- terra::spatSample(x = afr, size = 1000, method = "random")
points(rand_pts, cex = 0.5, col = 'red')
# Check projection
crs(rand_pts) == crs(wc)
## [1] FALSE
rand_pts <- project(rand_pts, wc)
crs(rand_pts) == crs(wc)
## [1] TRUE
# Write points to file and then read back in
writeVector(rand_pts, 'data/extraction_example/random_points.shp')
# Save as a data frame in csv format
xy <- terra::geom(rand_pts, df = TRUE)[,c(1,3:4)]
write_csv(xy, 'data/extraction_example/random_points.csv')
If you have your own point data, this is how you can read it into R
# Read points back in
# 1: as a shapefile
rand_pts <- vect('data/extraction_example/random_points.shp')
## name
## 1 Ethiopia
## 2 Libya
## 3 Morocco
## 4 Dem. Rep. Congo
## 5 Dem. Rep. Congo
## 6 Mali
# 2: as a csv
rand_pts_df <- read_csv('data/extraction_example/random_points.csv')
## Rows: 1000 Columns: 3
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## dbl (3): geom, x, y
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
rand_pts <- vect(rand_pts_df, geom = c('x','y'), crs = crs(wc))
## geom
## 1 1
## 2 2
## 3 3
## 4 4
## 5 5
## 6 6
So that’s a few different ways to create or load in your point data in different formats, let’s now run the extraction:
# Extract data for points
# We don't need to specify a function, because these are just points and will extract data for one cell that they intersect with
pts_ext <- terra::extract(wc, rand_pts)
## ID bio1 bio2 bio3 bio4 bio5 bio6
## 1 1 220 99 58 2032 299 131
## 2 2 248 127 71 870 342 164
## 3 3 204 160 62 2144 310 55
## 4 4 210 167 48 6522 375 29
## 5 5 273 153 55 3876 402 125
## 6 6 251 123 66 1248 345 159
rand_pts_ext <- cbind(rand_pts, pts_ext)
# Convert to sf for plotting
rand_pts_ext_sf <- rand_pts_ext %>% st_as_sf()
afr_sf <- afr %>% st_as_sf()
# Plot
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = afr_sf, fill = NA) +
geom_sf(data = rand_pts_ext_sf, aes(fill = bio1/10), pch = 21, size = 1) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = c('white', 'red'),
name = 'Mean ann. temp.') +
# Buffers are essentially polygons, so this will work in a very similar way to our first example.
buf_pts <- buffer(rand_pts, width = 10000) # 10km buffer
plot(buf_pts, add = T)
We can use the same my_summary
function as earlier
because these are also polygons with multiple raster tiles intersecting
with them. We therefore need to calculate summary values.
buf_ext <- terra::extract(wc, buf_pts, fun = my_summary)
buf_pts_ext <- cbind(buf_pts, buf_ext)
This function produced several warnings. Use the
function to identify the cause. In this case, it
is likely because some buffers overlapped with the ocean.
# Convert to sf for plotting
buf_pts_ext_sf <- buf_pts_ext %>% st_as_sf()
# Plot
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = afr_sf, fill = NA) +
geom_sf(data = buf_pts_ext_sf, aes(col = bio1.mean/10), pch = 1, size = 1) +
scale_colour_gradientn(colours = c('white', 'red'),
name = 'Mean ann. temp.') +
netCDF downloaded from:
#### Load packages ----
#### Load netCDF file ----
ma_temp_2015 <- rast('data/netCDF_example/')
## Warning: [rast] unknown extent
ma_temp_2015 <- ma_temp_2015[[366:730]]
## [1] "tave_1" "tave_2" "tave_3" "tave_4" "tave_5" "tave_6"
## [7] "tave_7" "tave_8" "tave_9" "tave_10" "tave_11" "tave_12"
## [13] "tave_13" "tave_14" "tave_15" "tave_16" "tave_17" "tave_18"
## [19] "tave_19" "tave_20" "tave_21" "tave_22" "tave_23" "tave_24"
## [25] "tave_25" "tave_26" "tave_27" "tave_28" "tave_29" "tave_30"
## [31] "tave_31" "tave_32" "tave_33" "tave_34" "tave_35" "tave_36"
## [37] "tave_37" "tave_38" "tave_39" "tave_40" "tave_41" "tave_42"
## [43] "tave_43" "tave_44" "tave_45" "tave_46" "tave_47" "tave_48"
## [49] "tave_49" "tave_50" "tave_51" "tave_52" "tave_53" "tave_54"
## [55] "tave_55" "tave_56" "tave_57" "tave_58" "tave_59" "tave_60"
## [61] "tave_61" "tave_62" "tave_63" "tave_64" "tave_65" "tave_66"
## [67] "tave_67" "tave_68" "tave_69" "tave_70" "tave_71" "tave_72"
## [73] "tave_73" "tave_74" "tave_75" "tave_76" "tave_77" "tave_78"
## [79] "tave_79" "tave_80" "tave_81" "tave_82" "tave_83" "tave_84"
## [85] "tave_85" "tave_86" "tave_87" "tave_88" "tave_89" "tave_90"
## [91] "tave_91" "tave_92" "tave_93" "tave_94" "tave_95" "tave_96"
## [97] "tave_97" "tave_98" "tave_99" "tave_100" "tave_101" "tave_102"
## [103] "tave_103" "tave_104" "tave_105" "tave_106" "tave_107" "tave_108"
## [109] "tave_109" "tave_110" "tave_111" "tave_112" "tave_113" "tave_114"
## [115] "tave_115" "tave_116" "tave_117" "tave_118" "tave_119" "tave_120"
## [121] "tave_121" "tave_122" "tave_123" "tave_124" "tave_125" "tave_126"
## [127] "tave_127" "tave_128" "tave_129" "tave_130" "tave_131" "tave_132"
## [133] "tave_133" "tave_134" "tave_135" "tave_136" "tave_137" "tave_138"
## [139] "tave_139" "tave_140" "tave_141" "tave_142" "tave_143" "tave_144"
## [145] "tave_145" "tave_146" "tave_147" "tave_148" "tave_149" "tave_150"
## [151] "tave_151" "tave_152" "tave_153" "tave_154" "tave_155" "tave_156"
## [157] "tave_157" "tave_158" "tave_159" "tave_160" "tave_161" "tave_162"
## [163] "tave_163" "tave_164" "tave_165" "tave_166" "tave_167" "tave_168"
## [169] "tave_169" "tave_170" "tave_171" "tave_172" "tave_173" "tave_174"
## [175] "tave_175" "tave_176" "tave_177" "tave_178" "tave_179" "tave_180"
## [181] "tave_181" "tave_182" "tave_183" "tave_184" "tave_185" "tave_186"
## [187] "tave_187" "tave_188" "tave_189" "tave_190" "tave_191" "tave_192"
## [193] "tave_193" "tave_194" "tave_195" "tave_196" "tave_197" "tave_198"
## [199] "tave_199" "tave_200" "tave_201" "tave_202" "tave_203" "tave_204"
## [205] "tave_205" "tave_206" "tave_207" "tave_208" "tave_209" "tave_210"
## [211] "tave_211" "tave_212" "tave_213" "tave_214" "tave_215" "tave_216"
## [217] "tave_217" "tave_218" "tave_219" "tave_220" "tave_221" "tave_222"
## [223] "tave_223" "tave_224" "tave_225" "tave_226" "tave_227" "tave_228"
## [229] "tave_229" "tave_230" "tave_231" "tave_232" "tave_233" "tave_234"
## [235] "tave_235" "tave_236" "tave_237" "tave_238" "tave_239" "tave_240"
## [241] "tave_241" "tave_242" "tave_243" "tave_244" "tave_245" "tave_246"
## [247] "tave_247" "tave_248" "tave_249" "tave_250" "tave_251" "tave_252"
## [253] "tave_253" "tave_254" "tave_255" "tave_256" "tave_257" "tave_258"
## [259] "tave_259" "tave_260" "tave_261" "tave_262" "tave_263" "tave_264"
## [265] "tave_265" "tave_266" "tave_267" "tave_268" "tave_269" "tave_270"
## [271] "tave_271" "tave_272" "tave_273" "tave_274" "tave_275" "tave_276"
## [277] "tave_277" "tave_278" "tave_279" "tave_280" "tave_281" "tave_282"
## [283] "tave_283" "tave_284" "tave_285" "tave_286" "tave_287" "tave_288"
## [289] "tave_289" "tave_290" "tave_291" "tave_292" "tave_293" "tave_294"
## [295] "tave_295" "tave_296" "tave_297" "tave_298" "tave_299" "tave_300"
## [301] "tave_301" "tave_302" "tave_303" "tave_304" "tave_305" "tave_306"
## [307] "tave_307" "tave_308" "tave_309" "tave_310" "tave_311" "tave_312"
## [313] "tave_313" "tave_314" "tave_315" "tave_316" "tave_317" "tave_318"
## [319] "tave_319" "tave_320" "tave_321" "tave_322" "tave_323" "tave_324"
## [325] "tave_325" "tave_326" "tave_327" "tave_328" "tave_329" "tave_330"
## [331] "tave_331" "tave_332" "tave_333" "tave_334" "tave_335" "tave_336"
## [337] "tave_337" "tave_338" "tave_339" "tave_340" "tave_341" "tave_342"
## [343] "tave_343" "tave_344" "tave_345" "tave_346" "tave_347" "tave_348"
## [349] "tave_349" "tave_350" "tave_351" "tave_352" "tave_353" "tave_354"
## [355] "tave_355" "tave_356" "tave_357" "tave_358" "tave_359" "tave_360"
## [361] "tave_361" "tave_362" "tave_363" "tave_364" "tave_365"
# warning provided for no extent, so we will need to assign this manually from the metadata
## SpatExtent : 0, 1, 0, 1 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
ma_temp_2015 <- set.ext(ma_temp_2015, c(60, 150, -15, 55))
## SpatExtent : 60, 150, -15, 55 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
# Plot a single raster
# This looks upside down!
# We can use flip to turn this the correct way around
ma_temp_2015_flip <- flip(ma_temp_2015)
# Plot the flipped raster
Your netCDF file is now ready to analyse!
A short bonus section below to animate the data:
#### Let's convert it to a data frame to animate
# Convert it to a data frame and pivot to a long df
ma_temp_2015_flip_df <-, xy = T) %>% pivot_longer(cols = 3:ncol(.), names_to = 'doy', values_to = 'daily_temp')
# Extrate the date from the raster names
ma_temp_2015_flip_df$doy <- gsub('tave_', '', ma_temp_2015_flip_df$doy)
ma_temp_2015_flip_df$date <- as_date(as.numeric(ma_temp_2015_flip_df$doy), origin = '2014-12-31')
#### Map animation
anim_map <- ggplot(ma_temp_2015_flip_df) +
geom_tile(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = daily_temp, col = daily_temp)) +
scale_fill_gradient2(low = 'blue', mid = 'white', high = 'red') +
scale_colour_gradient2(low = 'blue', mid = 'white', high = 'red') +
theme_void() +
labs(title = "{frame_time}") +
# Render the plot
gganimate::animate(anim_map, fps = 15,
width = 720, height = 480,
res = 150,
renderer = gifski_renderer("output/figs/netCDF_example/netCDF_example.gif"))